
A Decisive Decade

Ten questions to shape the next ten years

The UK is at a critical juncture. There’s pressure to do more with less, increase productivity, and achieve place-based growth – all to deliver better outcomes for people and planet.

Now is the time for public and private sector leaders to ready themselves for these challenges, and to set the direction to solve whole-society dilemmas.

It’s a time for impetus, ideas, and human ingenuity. A decisive decade for leaders to make services better for the people whose lives they touch.

Our new series sets out and explores ten questions that will define and shape the next ten years. And in doing so, we explore the challenges, the opportunities, and the path to a more positive human future.

Energy transition

One of the greatest issues facing the UK in this decisive decade is the energy transition. There’s now a chance for public and private sector leaders to learn the lessons from the past as the country builds a cleaner, greener, and fairer future based on renewable low carbon energy.

Kim McCann and Karthik Ponniah explore how the UK can best take advantage of the opportunities presented, and ensure the transition drives economic and social progress for all.


The surest solution to any systemic issue is innovation. Yet innovation alone isn’t enough. The UK needs to ensure its groundbreaking innovations diffuse through the economy – creating jobs, profits, and investment, as well as wider societal impact.

Laycha Hugoosgift and Shaun Delaney explore how a decade of innovation diffusion can help deliver growth, improve services, and enrich lives.

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