
Redefining boards in the age of AI

By Alwin Magimay

At a recent event with our partner British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce (BSCC), Alwin Magimay, PA’s Global Head of AI, talked about the intelligent enterprise and what boardrooms need to know and do about the rise of AI.

Alwin Magimay speaking at an event with British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The seminar on AI covered the crucial question of whether boards and top teams are equipped for the strategic challenges presented by AI and, specifically, whether they possess the right capabilities and mindset to effectively steer their organisations.

The conversation unveiled three key takeaways:

The rise of the intelligent enterprise

The last twenty years we have moved from the integrated enterprise with internet, commerce platforms and BI tools to the digital enterprise with mobile applications, cloud-based services, and omnichannel experiences. The next phase on this innovation journey is the rise of the intelligent enterprise powered by AI.

Generative AI is the new norm

One of the most mind-blowing subsets of AI that we're seeing today is generative AI – with maturity of the technology enabling images to texts, generating AI voices and even text-to-video.

As humans navigating this new world, we need to become prompting engineers using AI tools in the same way as everyone uses Excel today.

Boards will have to transform and adapt to AI

It is important boards need to have knowledge of and sufficient literacy in AI. This needs to become the new normal. There is also a need to consider the composition of boards that include those with deep AI expertise. Having the right mix is key to identify business opportunities and to create lasting value with AI.

About the authors

Alwin Magimay Global Head of AI

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