Applied science

Showing 1-10 of 23 results
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Quantum computing: what is it, what can it do, and how will it evolve?

Quantum computing isn't a sci-fi dream. It's here and ready for businesses to experiment with. It's won't replace servers and laptops yet, but by testing quantum computers today, organisations can gain an advantage.
Starry sky over Los Angeles

What is quantum technology?

Quantum technology is a class of technology that works by using the principles of quantum mechanics (the physics of sub-atomic particles). It's no longer sci-fi. It's ready for business to start experimenting with.
Starry sky over Los Angeles
Starry sky over Los Angeles

Quantum technology – how do the opportunities stack up?

Quantum technologies are receiving billions of dollars in funding. But do the opportunities warrant the hype?
Starry sky over Los Angeles

Managing the quantum computing risk in financial services

Quantum computing promises massive opportunities in the financial services industry. But as with all new technologies, there are new risks. We look at three key areas risk leaders need to focus on to ensure they understand how quantum technology could change their business and are ready to respond.
Colleagues working in front of multiple screens

Data privacy in a quantum world

As quantum computers creep ever closer to widespread adoption, organisations must start planning for quantum-secure privacy now.
Colleagues working in front of multiple screens

15 minutes with: Richard Claridge

Richard Claridge, consulting physicist in our Global Innovation and Technology Centre, works on everything from 3D-printed chocolate to quantum sensors and thrives on asking ‘What if?’.

Quantum technology

Quantum technology will bring significant improvements to the performance of products and services across markets such as computing, sensing, security, medical, civil engineering and mineral exploration. To succeed in the quantum revolution, organisations will need to embrace innovation at every level, from supply chains and production methods to people and technology.

How Things Work: Quantum navigation

Global Navigation Satellite Systems are vulnerable to technical outages, cyberattacks, atmospheric disruptions and interference. Quantum technology eliminates these and ensures zero drift – meaning it can locate and navigate vehicles with pinpoint accuracy in any environment. It could even protect from accidental and malicious attack.
many electronic dots
Client Story

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

Our team enabled Dstl to make faster operational decisions using quantum computing.
many electronic dots
scientist in a lab
Press release

PA Consulting appoints Dr Mark Humphries as Chief Scientific Officer

PA Consulting has appointed Dr Mark Humphries as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO).
07 March 2023
scientist in a lab