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Denmark’s IT elite is on the hunt for employees at Poland’s tech giants

By Steffen Villadsen


31 August 2023

Henrik Ringgaard, IT Sourcing expert at PA Consulting, spoke to Jyllands-Posten about how Denmark’s IT elite are going on the hunt for employees at Poland’s tech giants

Read the article in Danish here.

Henrik Ringgard is quoted in an article in Jyllands-Posten about Denmark's IT elite going on the hunt for employees at the tech giants in Poland.

Tech companies worldwide have fired close to 400,000 employees. Poland is home to many of the world's largest IT companies. The many redundancies provide an opportunity for Danish IT companies to recruit them.

Henrik Ringgaard recognizes the picture of a labor market in Poland, where the pace has slowed somewhat in the past six months.

He says:

“It’s clear that now there are some with completely unique skills and experience that you might previously have had difficulty attracting or paying.”

“All the signals say that there is a slowdown. Therefore, I think that you are a little more selective and careful with the things you do, so as not to end up sitting on a cost base that is too high in relation to what you can sell for,” says Henrik Ringgaard Pedersen.

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