In the media

How to deal with growing anger in the workplace

By Anna Devine

FT Ignites

04 July 2023


PA's Daniel Edwards, people and change expert, comments on the rise of negative emotions in the workplace which is leading to the more serious issue of anger in the workplace.

Daniel says workplace anger is a particular problem in cultures like the UK where leaders and co-workers are reluctant to address simmering resentments and frustrations early on.

"People feel uncomfortable raising issues and then when they can no longer hold back become overly emotional, often in ways that can damage their careers," he says.

Daniel goes on to say that a psychologically safe environment is one where "it is ok for anyone to be curious and ask questions".

He explains: "Managers should take supportive action to deal with micro and macro issues early. They need to create opportunities where an individual can vent their feelings and move on."

He concludes: "Workplaces with a culture where it really is 'good to talk' will have fewer angry employees."

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