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Commonwealth Edison win top national honor in PA Consulting’s ReliabilityOne® Awards

27 November 2023

Derek HasBrouck, PA Consulting’s ReliabilityOne® program director, is quoted in discussing PA Consulting’s 23rd annual ReliabilityOne® Awards.

The article notes that Commonwealth Edison, the largest electric utility in Illinois, won the top national honor at PA Consulting’s 23rd annual ReliabilityOne® Awards, which recognize the most reliable electric utilities in North America. Commonwealth Edison bumped perennial favorite Florida Power & Light from the top spot – posting the highest collective score across PA’s measurements in resiliency, reliability, storm response, technology and innovation, sustainability, and customer engagement.

To determine the annual rankings, PA uses publicly available data from the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), which measures average outage duration per customer, and the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), which measures the average number of interruptions per customer.

Derek said: “We are delighted to announce that Commonwealth Edison has been recognized as this year’s most reliable US utility. They had a marked turnaround, and leveraged cutting-edge technologies, innovative designs, and extremely disciplined operational excellence to provide an especially high level of service reliability to their customers in 2022.”

ReliabilityOne® winners saw an improvement in reliability performance over the prior year, with SAIDI performance improving by four minutes. ReliabilityOne® award recipents also had 55% fewer outages than the average US investor-owned utility (IOU). The average IOU saw a 4% increase in average outage frequency and average outage duration compared to 2021.

PA also recognized regional leaders and industry category leaders.

The regional winners were:

  • West Region (Metropolitan) – San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Mid-Atlantic Region (Metropolitan) – Public Service Electric and Gas Company
  • Northeast Region (Metropolitan) – Consolidated Edison Company of New York
  • Northeast Region (Suburban and Rural) – Orange and Rockland Utilities
  • Southeast Region (Metropolitan) – Florida Power & Light Company
  • Midwest Region (Metropolitan) – Commonwealth Edison

The category winners were:

  • Outstanding Customer Engagement – Public Service Electric and Gas Company
  • Outstanding Technology and Innovation – Consolidated Edison Company of New York
  • Outstanding Grid Sustainability – San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Outstanding System Resiliency – Florida Power & Light Company
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