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Unlocking next generation clinical trials through data sharing and tech-driven approaches

Kieran Reals

By Kieran Reals, Charlie Paterson

Clinical Leader

21 May 2024

PA Consulting health and life sciences expert Kieran Reals and Charlie Paterson, a clinical development expert at PA, authored an article for Clinical Leader highlighting key findings from PA’s latest clinical trials pulse survey.

Clinical trials haven’t always enjoyed the best reputation, but sentiments are shifting. To understand public perceptions of clinical trials, we spoke to 2,000 U.S. respondents. Our results reveal a surprising reality: despite traditional concerns around cost, safety, and convenience, views are largely positive. More than three-quarters (77 percent) say trials are essential for bringing lifesaving therapies to market, and 64 percent are willing to share their clinical data with researchers to aid the development of treatments or cures. Crucially, 65 percent are happy for this data to be shared across studies, especially if it could drive down the cost of treatment.

This stark shift represents an opportunity for biopharma companies to reimagine clinical research, to enhance stakeholder experience, and to connect data sources in novel ways to accelerate the development and delivery of new therapies.

Read the full Clinical Leader article

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