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Energy Market Reform Taskforce

Key drivers of reform across the UK energy sector

In the wake of high-profile supplier failures and retail market turbulence, it is clear that fundamental reform to protect the interests of consumers, the market and the UK Government’s net zero ambitions is more important now than ever before.

Together with senior industry leaders across the UK utilities sector (the ‘Taskforce’), and in partnership with Utility Week, we have published three reports designed to capture the fundamental drivers for reform of market structures, regulatory approaches, and policy frameworks to tackle challenges relating to:

  1. Reform for customer support and engagement
  2. Reform for resilience
  3. Reform for decarbonisation

Based on input from the Taskforce, each report contains a set of actionable recommendations for companies, regulators, and government to take in the interests of supporting a timely, affordable transition to net zero, building resilience in essential services and most importantly, protecting consumer interests.

1. Reform for customer support and engagement

The first in this series of reports is on market reform for better customer support and engagement. It summarises the major drivers and pinpoints the actions industry leaders believe should be taken in response.

Download this report to learn more about:

  • How lessons from winter 2022/23 should be used to guide reforms to customer support
  • The need for a new tax-funded approach to subsidising energy bills for low-income and vulnerable households
  • How to harness technology for more targeted support
  • The need to tackle growing public anxiety about energy security and the prospect of blackouts

2. Reform for resilience

The second report highlights the need for greater government-led investment in resilience, supply chain pressures, new financial models and a focus on the need to change customer behaviours.

Download this report to learn more about:

  • Why resilience-driven investment needs to be given equal priority to meeting legislative and regulatory requirements around net zero and curbing pollution
  • How changes in customer behaviour can boost resilience in energy and water
  • Why the introduction of water resilience standards with more prescriptive measures of operational reliability could drive renewed focus on resilience
  • The keys to addressing supply chain vulnerability and skills shortages to combat ongoing resilience concerns

3. Reform for decarbonisation

The third and final report focuses on tackling the huge challenge of the reform of decarbonisation. In addition to changing the narrative around the impact of decarbonisation, the report looks at the financial models for net zero investment and highlights the challenges of keeping water decarbonisation on track, including training enough people to do the work.

Download this report to learn more about:

  • Why we must reset the narrative about the cost of transition, emphasising and focusing on the economic and health benefits
  • Why the use of three step roadmap could be used by utilities to underpin their zero-carbon strategy
  • How regulators need to adapt and create new financial mechanisms
  • How data-driven frameworks to assess the impact and development of policies could be applied in the UK

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