
Clean and smart mobility

Transportation is a huge contributor to climate change across the globe, and contributes roughly one-quarter of emissions in the UK, US, and Nordics. While a transition across the sector is underway, significant change needs to happen across the value chain, and at pace, to limit global warming to a 1.5°C temperature increase by 2050.

Bringing together both transport and energy, Clean and Smart Mobility is the convergence of two vital sectors within energy transition and wider climate response. Already, advancements in clean energy infrastructure and smart transportation are transforming the mobility ecosystem, but significant challenges remain.

Fast-paced innovation, enabled by technology, will be critical to accelerating the widespread adoption of clean and smart mobility.

We cover the breadth of the ecosystem

Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure providers and operators
Developing the physical and technological components necessary to charge, store, and distribute electricity to EVs.
Local and central government
Supporting practices like public transit and policies that reduce carbon emissions, improving overall transportation sustainability.
Complex fleet
Comprising a diverse range of vehicles incorporating new technologies to minimise carbon emissions in fleet management and transportation practices.
Distribution network operators
Managing and operating the electrical infrastructure, including charging stations and grid connections, to facilitate the distribution of energy for EVs.
Financial investors
Working with individuals or organisations that provide capital to support the development and growth of EV technologies.
Data, software and service providers
Integrating and interpreting data related to vehicle statistics to drive sustainable transportation.
Energy retailers
Providing energy supply services to EVs with the right expertise to power growth.

Featured insight

Four ways we're driving change

Strategy, policy development, and M&A

Supporting governments by informing policy development that leads to a transition to clean transport. This includes targeted strategies to grow adoption of EVs and investment in hydrogen power generation.

Supporting organisations and investors by providing expert market analysis that facilitates organic or inorganic growth.

Supporting businesses by developing strategies to adapt, respond to and lead the transition to smart mobility.

Operationalisation and optimisation

Supporting organisations in their fleet electrification process by taking a data rich approach, focusing on asset management and charger optimisation.

Evaluating and implementing vehicle and charging business models to include private and public charging, shared mobility fleet customers, and energy procurement.

Helping organisations navigate the complex vendor partner ecosystem, including hardware and software providers and implementation contractors.

Developing public charging commercial strategies to ensure customers can access an increasingly fragmented public charging ecosystem in a seamless manner.

Design and engineering

Providing industrial and service design capabilities.

Providing technical engineering support to innovate at pace and scale.

Business and digital transformation

Leading private sector organisations as they navigate policy and regulations.

Facilitating business and digital transformations as organisations pivot to capture opportunities across the clean and smart mobility value chains.

What real change looks like

Sitting in a car.
In the media

Trust by Design: How to build trust in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Michael Hurwitz and Hugo Cohn discuss fostering consumer confidence and establishing robust trust mechanisms in relation to the emerging technologies of connected vehicles and autonomous automobiles.
Sitting in a car.
In the media

Innovation and inspiration

PA Consulting’s Amy Marshall, consumer energy lead and global head of sustainability, discusses innovation in the smart mobility sector.
Electric car being charged
In the media

Why EV operations minutiae, not big strategic announcements, will decide the success of the EV transition

PA Consulting energy and utilities expert Matt Lichtash shares steps that US EV companies can take to successfully implement their programs and meet long term goals.
Electric car being charged
Client Story

Office for Zero Emission Vehicles

Using the power of design to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission road transport
Aerial view of highway.
In the media

Getting fleet electrification right

PA Consulting's Amy Marshall, energy and smart mobility expert, discusses fleet electrification.
Aerial view of highway.
Car charging at an EV chargepoint.
In the media

Wireless charging offers hope for mass electric vehicle use

PA Consulting's Michael Hurwitz, future mobility expert, discusses EV wireless charging.
Car charging at an EV chargepoint.
In the media

Should you let your dog wee on EV charge points?

PA Consulting's Warwick Goodall, clean and smart mobility expert, and Darren Seymour, design and innovation expert, discuss EV charge points.
Next generation batteries

Technology for sustainability: Next generation batteries

Batteries are the foundation of electrifying transportation and a critical solution to decarbonising the electric grid.
Next generation batteries

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