PA Raspberry Pi Awards 2024

Years 12-13 finalists

PA Raspberry Pi Awards 2024

This year, we challenged students to develop ingenious solutions in response to the theme: improving health and well-being.

Out of the many innovative submissions by teams around the country, here are the finalist projects from years 12-13 students:

Blueberry Fields

Using a rewards-based game to encourage exercise

Our project consists of a portable device which allows the user to play a game on the go. It encourages the user to go outside and exercise by providing in game rewards for the completion of quests. The quests tasks the user with walking to a randomly selected location which is a reasonable distance away. Upon completion of the quest the player is rewarded with in game currency.

Blueberry Fields

Calday Robotics

Developing a digital stethoscope to diagnose cardiac irregularities

In regions where access to advanced medical equipment is limited, diagnosing cardiac irregularities such as arrhythmias, murmurs and extrasystoles poses significant challenges for healthcare providers. Our solution: a 3D printed, digital stethoscope with integrated AI tackles these challenges with advanced sound capture. It amplifies heartbeats using a 3D printed stethoscope head, then records them with a microphone. This captured sound data is processed in real-time to create a live graph of the patient's heartbeat and rhythm.

Calday Robotics


Using the power of AI to provide healthcare advice

Lifeline is an AI-powered health consultant. Packaged in a laptop-like frame (with a touchscreen) a user simply types a medical query or question in and presses the “Ask” button on the touchscreen. Our chosen large language model (LLM) then searches its medical database and returns advice or explanation, made accurate by the medical references in its database.



Profiling environmental factors to alleviate stress

Project SixthSense involves sensory profiling of environmental factors for dealing with sensory overloads. Our goal is to create a device capable of identifying specific environmental factors that may be contributing to discomfort - noise level, light level, humidity and temperature.

Project SixthSense aims to alleviate some of the stress experienced on a daily basis and provide a simple but effective solution to a surprisingly widespread problem.


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