
Showing 1-10 of 103 results
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How can transport reset strategic planning to cope with an uncertain world?

A reset of strategic planning in transport is key to dealing with sector disruption. By better using data, and by building adaptability into major portfolios and programmes, the transport sector can successfully deliver on its commitments.

How to use public funding to promote innovation in Net Zero technology 

How can government departments build their expertise to deliver funds that match their policies?  There are three areas to consider to ensure effective delivery.
In the media

Shipping’s circular economy opportunity

PA’s circular economy experts Emilie Minor Christensen, Line Fryd Hofmansen and Line Pagh discuss circular economy opportunities for shipping.
Global Maritime Forum
03 January 2022
In the media

Changing how you think about your customer

How other sectors can help infrastructure projects transition their customer journey.
Rail Professional
09 July 2021
In the media

Driverless trains are on the way – but taking the first step will be difficult

PA’s Steve Carden, transport innovation lead, comments on the steps, and some of the key challenges, around delivering widescale rail automation across the UK.
The Telegraph
21 June 2022
Client Story

AMP Capital

We enabled AMP Capital to accelerate electric bus deployment and reduce carbon emissions in Latin America
Client Story

ENSO Tyres

ENSO wants to find a way to solve the environmental impact stemming from tyre use. To bring this idea to life, they needed help defining their business model. This included understanding how a leasing model – where drivers lease tyres-as-a-service and pay according to miles covered – would work.
Client Story

Dublin Airport Authority

Dublin Airport is the main base for two of the fastest growing and profitable airlines in Europe, Ryanair and Aer Lingus. The airport infrastructure has not been able to keep pace with the passenger growth or the increasing connecting traffic through to North America and Europe.
Client Story

UK Space Agency

With our help, the UK is set to enhance its strategic status in the global spaceflight market. The new regulatory model aims to protect the public, safeguard the environment and maintain the UK’s reputation for safety.
Client Story


Taking an agile approach, we provided our consortium partners with business case development, requirements gathering, systems engineering and roadmap development, all with the goal of plotting the fastest way to achieve a minimum viable product for the quantum sensor.