Central government

Showing 1-10 of 54 results
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Local heroes: How UK innovation scales when it’s rooted in the right place

The UK is a world leader in innovation but must scale up to increase productivity and create growth. We have been working with the BEIS to find the best scaling-up practices, so that the UK can open its doors to more prosperity.

How public sector leaders can stop strategies becoming 'shelfware'

Leaders can ease the delivery of strategy by focusing on structural alignment.

How to use public funding to promote innovation in Net Zero technology 

How can government departments build their expertise to deliver funds that match their policies?  There are three areas to consider to ensure effective delivery.
Hospital Emergency Department sign
In the media

Time to seize the economic potential of the HIP

Christian Norris, Head Economist, and Louise Northrop, economics expert at PA Consulting, discuss the scale of the Health Infrastructure Plan’s economic benefit and the need for acceleration.
Health Business
17 November 2020
Hospital Emergency Department sign
In the media

Reimagining the public sector

Panos Kakoullis discusses how in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the public sector has a unique opportunity to rethink the very notion of what it is and how it serves us all.
Management Today
17 June 2020
Client Story

Police and Crime Commissioners

The UK police landscape is undergoing its most fundamental change ever. The introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), the National Crime Agency (NCA), a new Police Professional Body and a new Police IT Company will all have a fundamental and far-reaching impact on policing across the UK. We are currently actively working with prospective Police and Crime Commissioners to develop an extensive support package in the lead up to the November elections.
Client Story


Designing Denmark’s future drone infrastructure
Client Story

Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports

The UK government wants to be a world leader in protecting the public from online harms. Our regulatory experts played a key role in enabling the UK government to make key decisions around the establishment of a new Online Harms Regulator.
Client Story


We’ve helped the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) design the Office of Environmental Protection (OEP) from scratch. It will take over from EU regulators from 2021. We worked with civil servants and outside stakeholders to clarify big questions, like the watchdog’s purpose.
Client Story

UK Space Agency

With our help, the UK is set to enhance its strategic status in the global spaceflight market. The new regulatory model aims to protect the public, safeguard the environment and maintain the UK’s reputation for safety.