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Paper bottle innovation heats up with creation of Bottle Collective

By Katie Nichol

Luxe Packaging Insight

09 March 2023

Tony Perrotta, PulPac partnership lead at PA Consulting, discusses PA and PulPac’s Bottle Collective launch with Katie Nichol from Luxe Packaging Insight.

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Spearheaded by PA Consulting and Swedish R&D company PulPac, the Bottle Collective aims to create a dry molded fiber bottle at scale by 2025. Said to be a “world first,” the bottle’s production uses less water and Co2 than current alternatives.

In the realm of paper bottles, a number of solutions are in development or have even hit the market via protype trials or small-scale production runs. Swedish R&D company PulPac and PA Consulting have just launched the Bottle Collective to create a “lower footprint bottle alternative” to single-use plastics, glass and other materials. The collective brings together consumer brands across various industries. With the first functioning bottle protypes already developed, the aim is to launch a fiber bottle at scale by 2025.

Tony said: “While we can’t share branded partner names as yet, we can say that we have a diversity of industries and needs already represented and expect that diversity to grow. The role of Bottle Collective members will be a collaboration across diverse financial, R&D, production, and circularity needs.”

He adds that investment details remain confidential. Over the coming months, the focus will be on "additional scale-up and enhancement of the production process alongside commercial equipment architecture.”

What sets the Bottle Collective apart from other paper bottles?

Tony said: "The key difference between our bottle and others is that we leverage a Dry Molded Fiber technology. This means a lower water and energy footprint in comparison noting that "these benefits should translate into a commercially feasible and scalable solution.”

Regarding the bottle barrier, Tony said that the partners are “building a process and template for which multiple barriers (or none if not required) can be used as suited to each product’s needs. The intention is to create a scalable solution for applications of all types.”

Application areas for PulPac’s proprietary Dry Molded Fiber production process could include wines and spirits, skincare, hair care and detergent.

Regarding decorations and sizes, Tony said: “These are consistent with the existing expectations of the various industries and will also include some new options that celebrate the use of pulp as a novel material choice. We can incorporate recycled content and, in some cases, non-tree-based fibers for added properties.”

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