In the media

PA Denmark has the wind in its sails

By Christian Carlsen

Inside Business

13 October 2023

Turnover in PA Denmark last year saw an amazing leap of as much as 21 percent, while operations showed an increase of 34 percent compared to the year before.

PA’s progress is the culmination of a change in strategy, large-scale recruitment, and greater interaction with Nordic and international colleagues, says InsideBusiness in a new article about PA Denmark’s annual report.

PA’s Denmark country head, Henrik Ringgaard Pedersen is interviewed, and he says:

“We have had a strong focus on recruiting and still have that focus in areas where there is market potential. This especially applies to projects where we are entering the process earlier."

He continues:

"This is the result of a focused effort to attract the right employees and to make our global muscle work better."

He adds:

"Our global cooperation means a lot because we have become much better at bringing people in from outside or sending people out to the external world. Instead of just learning from each other, we have got better at working on projects together. This is due, among other things, to structured work within the group to remove barriers."

He ends:
"Overall, we shouldn't complain, but like so many others, we can feel that there is more focus on costs. That brings constraints but also opportunities. Therefore, the type of tasks we take on have changed."

Read the article in Danish here.

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