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The new, eye-pleasing glue gun by Cricut is designed for the modern DIY user

Global Design News

01 January 2024

Global Design News reports on PA’s design for the Cricut Glue Gun.

The article notes that the Circuit Glue Gun was created when the Cricut Design Team together with PA Consulting wanted to design a crafting device for everyone without losing the element of precision and control to the creative process. The use of glue guns by crafters is common, but traditional glue guns are imprecise and messy for delicate or detailed crafting and DIY projects. Additionally, they are often poorly constructed or targeted at a masculine audience.

Designed beautifully and ergonomically for comfort, precision, and control, the Cricut Glue Gun is the ideal solution for various DIY projects. Cricut Glue Gun has recently been awarded a 2023 Good Design Award by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

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