Fortify, a Boston startup, came to us with their unique magnetic 3D printing technology, Fluxprint. At this point, Fortify had a working prototype but needed a partner who could bring specialist engineering skills and commercialisation acumen.

Our integrated design and engineering team enabled Fortify to develop a new design experience to differentiate the product in the 3D printing category. The product we co-developed – FluxOne – is a solution that marries innovative design with seamless usability for production environments.

Fortify Flux One 3D printer

A design identity fit for purpose

Fortify had already developed Digital Composite Manufacturing (DCM) to unlock new material properties that cannot be achieved with 3D printed photopolymers alone. The 3D printing category is rapidly becoming a saturated market, so alongside their unique technology, they needed deep commercialisation experience and a distinctive visual design identity to set the tone for the Flux One and future Fortify hardware. Fortify had to get this balance right to ensure a successful entry into the market.

Fortify Flux One 3D printer detail
Fortify Flux One 3D printer
Fortify Flux One 3D printer detail

Standing out in the market

To differentiate the platform, the team incorporated visual attributes, functional features, and materials found on the factory floor so it can easily integrate into a production environment, and differentiate itself against other 3D printers.

Our end-to-end approach enabled Fortify to integrate engineering innovation with clever design and usability features. The Flux One features heavyweight steel panels with generous angles, radii, and machine status lighting to illuminate the factory floor and build zone to alert for any issues. There are also windows with 180-degree views of the z-axis to easily keep an eye on production, both practical for users and dramatic in design. The unique door mechanism works as a design differentiator and the angled door face allows users to clearly see the build area when closed. The door, when opened, was designed and engineered to remain inside the machine’s footprint and not exceed a low ceiling height requirement.

Fortify Flux One 3D printer
Fortify Flux One 3D printer material

Delivering a distinct offering

Leading-edge technology in rapid manufacturing can help transform industries and unlock possibilities for faster product development, more localised manufacturing, and the creation of more personalised product experiences. The skills we brought to our partnership with Fortify enabled them to enter the market with a differentiating design experience to match their unique 3D printing technology. Every element is optimised for performance with the end-user at its core, instilling confidence in customers and delivering a platform for growth for Fortify.

We brought our printer to the Rapid + TCT tradeshow – it was our first time showing off the product in person. We consistently received positive feedback about the industrial design, with multiple people saying it was the best-looking additive machine they have seen. It definitely caught a lot of peoples’ eyes and helped create a lot of buzz at our booth.”
Co-founder, Director, and Head of Systems Engineering at Fortify
Wearables lab in Dublin

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