2021 onwards (Jacobs investment) period

In March 2021, Jacobs invested in PA.   In our new parent company for the PA Group employees own 35% of PA and our strategic investor Jacobs own 65%. It is envisaged that after four or five years a further investment will be made by Jacobs to increase their ownership proportion and to release cash to employee shareholders.

During the investment employee shareholders interests are represented by our Stakeholder Representatives.

The shares employees hold in are governed by the Articles of Association of our UK parent company, PA Consulting Group Limited.   PA shares are not listed on any stock exchange and can only be held by our investor Jacobs, PA employees their spouses and personal companies.

PA people can invest in PA in our annual share markets

Each April or May year during the investment cycle, we will run and market in PA Share Units to allow employees to buy and sell shares each year including investing using money from annual bonus.

Tax guidance

UK tax guidance for PA share sales from April 2021 onwards

If you sold shares in the annual April/May share market, or your shares were sold later in the year as a leaver from PA, you must consider whether you need to report your sale in your tax return for the tax year (6 April to following 5 April in which your shares were sold. Guidance is provided in our UK capital gains tax notes 2021/22 onwards. The notes include an Excel calculator to help you calculate and report your gain.

Guidance for US, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherland people for share sales April 2021 onwards

If you sold shares in the annual April/May share market, or your shares were sold later in the year as a leaver from PA, you must consider whether you need to report your sale in your tax return for the calendar tax year in which your shares were sold. You can review our Capital Gains guidance for people based outside the UK. The notes include a link to your PA share history showing your purchase and sale prices.

Tax guidance provided by PA for the March 2021 Jacobs investment

As a result of the March 2021 investment all Carlyle period PA shares were sold. PA did not report sales or deduct taxes from the March paid sale proceeds. Shareholders must personally consider reporting the gains they made on their sold shares to their tax authority and paying any taxes due.

UK people need to report any taxable gains in their 2020/21 tax return. People outside the UK report in their 2021 calendar year returns.

UK taxpayers needed to assess, and if necessary to have reported their capital gains and pay taxes due on this sale to HMRC by 31 January 2022. While reporting and tax payment is, and remain, personal responsibility, we want to help and do so though these Tax information notes. You can also use this Jacobs Investment S104 Excel sheet (zipped) to extract your share records and to assess your gains position.   Contact shareplans@paconsulting.com if you a former employee not able to access the excel report.

PA shareholders outside the UK should review the Tax information notes for their country. For most, tax reporting will have been due in the first half of 2022.

Contact the Share Plans team
